With Tracy Ellig, HR Manager – Premier Equipment
ALERT: Our research shows that John Deere dealers have an employee NPS of 27, meaning that there is real opportunity for improvement. Detractors and neutrals are impacting your bottom line and are hurting long term growth. Do you know your employee NPS score? Research clearly shows that businesses with a strong Employee NPS have employees who are more motivated and willing to invest effort in achieving your dealership’s goals. Join us on December 8th for our webinar on how to improve Employee Engagement at your John Deere dealership.
Ryan Condon, CEO of SATISFYD and Tracy Ellig, HR Manager of Premier Equipment team up to deliver high impact ideas, tips and lessons for getting the most out of employees at your John Deere dealership. This webinar will include topics such as:
• Employee engagement performance impact
• Typical engagement problems
• Implementing a Voice of the Employee process
• Using Voice of Employee results for action
• Employee related programs at Premier Equipment
• Action you can take
Join us as we uncover inside knowledge and best practices used by Tracy Ellig and the Premier Equipment organization.
This webinar is intended for John Deere dealer Human Resource employees.