We are thankful for our customers!
We would like to show our gratitude with two special promotions
during the month of November 2021.
Try SATISFYD Reviews FREE for 30 Days!
For our existing customers
As a Voice of the Customer user, you know the value in being deeply connected to your customers and their experiences at your dealership. SATISFYD Reviews takes this connection one step further by providing insight into what your customers are saying online.
We would like to offer our current VOC customers the chance to experience the benefits of this platform with a free 30-day trial starting any time during the month of November. It’s no risk, but if you like it, we’ll even offer you a 10% discount when you sign up for a subscription if you are part of the program! Contact our customer support team today to find out how to sign up!
Join the SATISFYD Referral Partner Program!
10% commission for referrals from existing customers
Do you know a partner or friend who can benefit from the insights gained through a focused effort to cultivate close connections with their customers or employees? Refer them to SATISFYD and receive a 10% commission when they sign on to any of our platforms. Contact our customer support team to learn more!
Ready to join the SATISFYD Family? Schedule a time to talk with with us or fill out the contact form today and we will be in touch soon.