Brought to you by Lee Slimm, AchieveGlobal
86% of customers quit doing business with a company because of bad customer service, up from 59% a year ago. Only 13% of the workforce is highly engaged and only half of all employees would recommend their employers to their friend.
John Deere has the reputation for offering outstanding products and services. However, an organization’s main competitive advantage is its people. People create customer loyalty and loyalty creates repeat business,retention and referrals. As dealers and customers continue to grow, merge and change, being able to develop leaders to involve, encourage, guide and develop its people is more critical than ever, especially across generations.
For over 50 years, AchieveGlobal has been providing customer service and leadership skills training that allows all employees to better and more consistently manage each customer interaction in a way that builds trust and loyalty. They have worked with John Deere for over 24 years, going back to the Treating Customers Right program and now with Customer Service Skills for Creating Lifelong Customers.
The Customer Service & Leadership webinar will not only overview what is available to John Deere Dealerships, but also review some key customer service skills and concepts you can immediately put into practice.
This webinar is for dealer employees.